We took to the South of the Okanagan as we took to the north, dividing up the region from the furthest to the closest.
We began the day by moving as far south as we could – which we had been told was Nk’Mip, but there is one that is just a hair further south these day
We had been told by fellow wine writer Michael Vaughan, to visit the Nk’Mip Cultural Center; so we popped in to see what the big deal was about. The sign said that it was a good idea to have a hat, water and sunblock for the 1.5km walk – I had no hat so instead of doing it “tomorrow”, as mom and I debated, I bought a hat, that either made me look local or yokel, still not sure (you decide – see right). Between mom and myself we also bought about $100 worth of souvenirs (making sure they were all made in Canada). We ended the day back at Golden Mile Cellars, w
As for the wines in this part of the Okanagan, once again we were confronted with over inflated prices for wine that would not fetch that much normally, especially in Ontario, but that’s the price you pay for being in a “hot region”. I talked to a number of winery principals about the price gap and one said to me, in confidence, “This bubble is going to burst and there will be a shake up, right now the prices are high and we’re all willing to ride it o
Wineries Visited in Order:
Wednesday … Twisted Tree, La Stella, Orchard Hill Cidery, Desert Hills,
Thursday … Chandra (ghost winery), Le Vieux Pin, Quinta Ferreira, Fairview (closed – sold out), Dunham & Froese, Noble Ridge, Tangled Vines, Blue Mountain, Pentage (closed – appointment only).
Wines of Note:
Twisted Tree 2005 Merlot ($25.00)
Desert Hills 2005 Mirage ($34.90)
Golden Beaver 2006 Merlot ($19.50)
Silver Sage 2007 Pinot Blanc ($15.95); 2006 Pinot Noir ($21.95); 2007 Pinot Blanc Peach/Apricot ($24.95 / 375ml); 2007 Raspberry ($24.95 / 375ml)
Oliver Twist 2007 Kerner ($17.90)
Antelope Ridge 2006 Cabernet Franc ($23.00)
Quinta Ferreira 2007 Unoaked Chardonnay ($19.90); 2006 Merlot ($29.90)
Dunham & Froese 2007 Amicitia – White ($25.00); 2006 Amicitia – Red ($28.00); 2007 Rosé ($17.00)
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